Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Think of Your Business as Your Biggest Asset

Business as Your Biggest Asset

Hi, my name is Pat Gibson and I'm a Senior Advisor to Administrator Linda McMahon here at the SBA.  I've also been a business owner for many years.  I owned a strategic communications company for nearly 30 years and I had a start-up in healthcare IT so the one thing piece of advice
I would give to somebody who is running a business is to think of your business that's the biggest asset that you have in your portfolio and if you think of it as an asset it colors how you the decisions that you make and how you approach your business so as you start to hire people you're looking for people who can be adding expertise maybe that you don't have.

You can be looking to reduce the amount of time you spend in the business and work more on the business so that you can continue to grow it and quit thinking of yourself as the person who has to do everything and what that enables you to do as your business grows is it gives you more options so you can continue to grow their business or you could sell the business, take the money you make off of it start another one.

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