Wednesday, February 20, 2019

3 Ways To Develop Personality

Developing your personality starts with understanding yourself. Evaluate what traits you see in yourself, and what needs improvement. Identify and focus on the positive personality traits that strengthen your confidence, openness, perseverance, kindness, and humility. By understanding more about yourself, you can let your positive qualities shine through.

1. Evaluating Yourself: 

Write down five personalities traits about yourself. Think about at least five or more personality traits that you have. Write them down, and take a few sentences to describe why you think this personality trait applies to you.

Evaluate the positive and negative. When you wrote down these personality traits, did you seem to focus on mostly positive or mostly negative traits? For example, did you have four negative traits, and only one good one?

Identify activities you enjoy. If you are not sure about how to develop your personality, think about what makes you happy. What activities do you enjoy? Do you like to spend time with others, or do more things on your own? Do you like fixing or creating things? Are you more artistic or science-oriented?

Assess what you want to improve. Think about what is bothering you in particular about your personality. What do you want to see differently in yourself? By having greater insight, this is an important step to changing. Think about how you could improve in the following areas

2. Focusing on Positive Personality Traits: 

Find your confidence. Confidence is an attractive personality trait. Often confident people who believe in themselves and in others are happier. While being arrogant in your confidence can make others uneasy, believing in yourself is key.

Be open to new experiences. While it may feel comfortable to do the same old things you always do, be adventurous and consider trying other things. You may be shy or unsure if it will go well. Oftentimes, things aren't as bad as you imagine them to be. Being open to new things makes you seem more flexible, interesting, and attractive to others.

Be agreeable and friendly. While it may be tough to be agreeable all the time, people are more likely to respond positively and help you if you're kind and friendly. Show others that you are interested in getting to know them. Be willing to listen and understand another person's perspective.

Be respectful and humble. You don't necessarily have the same things or outlook as everyone else. You may be doing well for yourself. You may see others bragging about how well they're doing. Focus on how to be humble rather than jealous. Respect that each person has their own path.

Have resilience. Resilience is the courage to pick yourself up again after bad things happen. It's a belief that you can persevere. This is an important trait, particularly during tough times.

3. Believing in Yourself: 

Remember that each person is unique. You don't have to pretend to be someone that you're not. Be true to a personality that fits you, and that feels natural to you. Uniqueness in your personality is itself an attractive quality.

Find your inner happiness. Ultimately, your personality may tied to your sense of happiness. You may wonder how you can change your personality to be a happier and healthier you. It starts with finding your inner happiness. What gives you peace? What makes you feel calm, relaxed, and rested?

Focus on loving yourself. Remember that developing a sense of yourself and your own unique personality starts and ends with loving yourself. Appreciate who you are and what you have to offer to others. Believe in yourself.

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