Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Difference Between Successful People and Unsuccessful People

Successful People and Unsuccessful People

Imagine a farmer gets up every single day and he puts his grain on the back of the tractor, and he puts the tractor in gear, and he drives out a mile into the pasture to feed the cows and they all come running. He dumps the feed, and goes back to the barn.

If he gets up every single day for ten, fifteen, twenty years and starts the tractor, puts the feed on, puts it in gear, and goes out to the same field, what will eventually happen? He will build ruts on the path to the cows. Eventually, he could just get up, throw the grain on the back, start the tractor, put it in gear, and let go of the wheel. That tractor will take him right out to that same spot he’s been going to for year.
Think about this question: “Do you want to grow up or stay the same?
Successful People and Unsuccessful People

As John Paul Dejoria says, ” The Difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people do the things the unsuccessful people don’t want to do. I would add that successful people have a core set of habits that propel them. The average person confuses success with luck. But luck has nothing to do with it. Millionaire success habits do.
Now let’s look at where you are in your life and where you want to go.

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